We have had some incredible things happen in the last few weeks ...
Home, Sweet Home::
We are thankful that our transition has been such a smooth one; we know that the Lord has made it that way, and we continue to be amazed at the relationships that are being built, and the comfort we are feeling in this area! Manhattan will always hold a special place in our hearts ... and our friends there will continue to be our friends ... more like family, and although we are becoming more enveloped each day in our new home, we know that He is making room enough in our hearts to love them all, and to focus on what He has called us here to do! It is so beautiful, so full of kind people, and with so many opportunities to share Jesus with others. God is SO GOOD!
Todd and Tina::
We recently welcomed our Student Ministries Pastor and his wife to the Black Hills this month, and it has been such a blessing getting to know them!
Summertime Fun::
With school starting this Wednesday, we have been enjoying every free moment that we have to play! Mommy, Hayden, and Ellie have been enjoying an early morning walk (usually around 6:30am) and then heading to the park before the day begins.
Hayden especially loves the firetruck and "monkey swing" at Storybook Island in RC::
He got a new watch for his birthday ... he is excited about learning to tell time all by himself! (and mommy and daddy are too!)::
Ellie continues to grow, and daddy caught a not-so-rare moment of smiles. Ellie loves to smile, and brother is the one that gets the most!::
Brother and sister spend so much time talking and smiling ... Hayden even sings to her (usually songs from VBS, or ones that he makes up about cars and trucks!)::
Kisses ...
All smiles!
We recently took a "holiday" to Kansas ... we left one Sunday after the second service and returned home that following Saturday. It was a great time of introducing Ellie ... and a "big boy Hayden" to family and friends that hadn't met Ellie, and hadn't seen Hayden for awhile! We had an event filled, family fun, relaxing time and were so thankful for the safe travel, as well as the fact that our kids are great car riders!
T-REX Restaurant at THE LEGENDS::
We enjoyed a day of shopping and lunch at the T-REX restaurant!
We spent time with my great-grandma, great-aunt, grandma, and parents at the Lake of the Ozarks. We even had a picture of the five generations of women! (that I cannot get to post.)
We went to the Truman Dam Observatory ...
We smiled for pictures (or remained in deep thought) ...
Complete with cakes and ice cream with Nana and Papa Kinnan at their house, and Grandma and Grandpa Kerby at Great-Grandpa's house!
Birthday at Home::
Though his birthday party with buddies won't be until this week, we spent Hayden's birth day dinner at Churk E Cheese's! It was a blast! After dinner we went to the store to get something Hayden has been waiting for since he was nearly three ... his very own "dirt bike" bicycle (we had to wait until his other was too small!) !
Time with Friends::
We have been so blessed to have so many amazing people around us, and we are so thankful that the Lord has surrounded us with such wonderful friends ... He knows how important it is to us! We have had fun spending time with people and really getting to know everyone ... eating ... golfing ... drinking coffee ... game nights ... what fun!
College, Here We Come::
Although David's classes are ongoing, Katy's semester just started, and wasted no time getting right to work! It'll be a very full semester, for sure! Supervision and Evaulation, and Technologies for Leadership are going to be interesting to say the least, but only a few more semesters (aaahhh) until she has her Master's!