Thursday, February 2

We'll Miss You!

One of my two favorite brothers is leaving this afternoon for Scotland. Kurt will be trading in his Jayhawk gear to study at Stirling University this semester. Although we're incredibly excited for him, it's bittersweet ... we'll really miss him!

Check out his school: University of Sterling

Kurt came down to visit last weekend and this past Sunday, and Hayden had a blast with him! Please keep him in your prayers; that he would have safe travel and a fruitful time there! Also, that the Lord will use him in sharing his faith with those he encounters on this four-month journey!

We Love You, Kurt!

1 comment:

Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

After our first chorale trip to Scotland, Jason and Josh have always said they wanted to go to seminary there. I'll have Jay check out the website... Amazing!