The past few weeks have truly been a test for me. Being with sixth graders who are anxious for spring break is not what I had in mind when I became a teacher. They are incredible kids, really, but I have come home more exhausted than I ever imagined I could be. Wow! Each day is something new, and I am learning lessons about the joy that the Lord can bring from each and every situation, even the most frustrating and grueling moments of life.
The Junction City Bowl for Kids’ Sake went well. David is an incredible coordinator, and there was not a single detail that was missed. He’s amazing! My team of teachers from the middle school did quite well … although I learned that I should probably only bowl for fun … I don’t see any leagues calling me for help in the near future. The Manhattan BFKS will be this weekend, so we’re excited for this busy time to be over! The RLC men's basketball team will be playing in a tournament in a few weekends, so he's being the stud that he is and preparing for that as well, with great anticipation, of course!
Wednesday was the final night of my “Traveling Light” study. We went through the final chapters of the book, but spent the majority of the time just talking. What better to do at the coolest coffee shop ever than to fellowship with your sisters? It has been an honor to lead this study, and God has brought so many new lessons and friendships through this time. I’m looking forward to what He has in store for the next study with great anticipation, and will be forever blessed by my time with the “Lincoln Perk Ladies!”
Hayden has been absolutely loving the weather … every day after I pick him up from Miss Becky’s we head out to the back yard and play basketball until David gets home … then we play more basketball! It’s been so much fun to see how different Hayden is outside just since winter. Last summer he was more interested in chasing Abby and playing basketball. This year he’s an explorer. He’ll shoot some hoops, bury some of his cars in the dirt, jump off of some stones, sprint up and down the hill, chase Abby, and play with dirt some more. He’s having a blast … and so are we! It's so fun to see him grow, literally before our eyes! When he’s not outside, he’s playing his guitar in the house and dancing to the beat. He loves his guitar, and is always asking David to get the real one out and sing along!
Tonight David and I had a date! Wow! It’s been awhile, but we headed to Lawrence to the Hereford House, a tradition that we started last year at our anniversary … David is so thoughtful, and so intent on us having “couple time.” I must say, that I do not have the easiest time leaving our little guy with a sitter, and he is patient, but resolute in making sure that we get our time. Since the restaurant is an hour and a half away, we had a wonderful drive over and back … and just talk and talk and talk (and listening to the KU game) … we are so blessed to be married to our best friend – and it reminded me of when we first started dating, of how important it is to have quality time. Next weekend I get to plan our anniversary activities, and I am so excited to share them … but am actually going to keep the secret until next week!
So, life has been pretty crazy in the Kinnan home, but we’re taking each day as it comes, and thanking God for each day. If January is a month for resolutions, than March is a month of renewal. It’s easy for us to make resolutions, but as spring approaches, the changing of seasons often stirs me in a different way. Resolutions in January seem easy to lose sight of …not only is it freezing, (in Kansas, at least), but since I tend to be a visual learner, and there is no profound change in the environment around me … resolutions are definitely difficult to uphold. Who wants to go for an early morning jog when it’s dark until 730am? Springtime, on the other hand, is different. Outside a burst of color and energy abound as the outdoors literally comes back to life. Grass is green again, flowers are blooming, and the sun is shining! This renewal or rebirth of my surroundings makes it absolutely contagious! Seasons are measured not only in months of the year, but also in experiences in life. God has been teaching us that lesson more than ever in the last few months with my health, and just like always, there are threads of joy and hope and life-long lessons that can be learned if we just trust in Him and His will. Like seasons, we experience times of happiness and times of sorrow, times of brokenness and times of healing. Ultimately, if we fix our eyes on Him, we will be stronger and more steadfast in our faith. In Ecclesiastes 3:1, Solomon writes that “to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”
My prayer today is that you are finding purpose and renewal in the Lord. That each and every day of the year you are being filled to the fullest with His promises and love, and that you are striving to spread His truth and light with each and every person you encounter.
Enjoy the sun! God Bless You!