Thursday, September 4


We heard early this morning that uncle Tom went to be with the Lord. There are so many emotions to grapple with when this happens ... praise that He is home, away from the pain and sin of the world ... sadness because he was such a thrilling, life-loving man that brought such happiness to so many.

My first meeting with Tom was very unique! He and aunt Lois met David and I at the Tampa airport when we arrived for our honeymoon ... they were kind enough to let us borrow their car while we were there. Lois met us at the gate, and Tom was waiting outside with the car. When we exited the doors, I heard someone loudly singing my name ... it sounded good, too! It was Tom.

Every Thanksgiving before we would eat, he would say excitedly, I bet President ______ (whomever it was) isn't eating this good today!

We will miss him, but rest in knowing that we will see him again.

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