Friday, August 26

Is it obvious?

Our world is spinning a lot quicker than a month ago. Sorry for the lack of posts, but August has been jammed packed!

Today is Hayden's 2nd B-day, so we are putting everything on "pause" as we celebrate our perfect little boy's special day! Present from Mommy & Daddy: old school Radio Flyer Tricycle. It's pretty pimped out with chrome and tassles coming off the handles. He and I may work on it this weekend...probably gonna throw in a couple 10's and definitely slap on on some spinning DUB's to drop the jaws. I wonder what the Flyer would like w/a sparkly royal blue pearl paint finish?

We'll update you on life on Monday...

Finishing up the "Ignite" series this weekend,

1 comment:

bri-bri said...

just wanted to say hi... and where in the IM have you been? i miss talking... hug the bday boy for me.