This week has been full of excitement - and visitors! We have had more visitors in one week than I can ever remember ... some invited and others, um, not so much ...
$Moolah Moolah Vacuum$ Monday
Last Monday was full of excitement ... I had my first true Monday in the working world, David (exhausted after an evening of incredible preaching) went back to work and is incredibly busy ... and Hayden got a treat by getting to stay with former sitter Miss Gwen for the day since the Neely's were out of town! Our visitors this evening were vacuum salesmen ... they were very nice and it was an incredible machine - but we don't have a kidney we want to sell to be able to pay for it, so, needless to say, we happily welcomed our current, less efficient vaccuum back!
Toddler Tuesday
Tuesday evening we had a special guest - Lilu! We got to watch her while her mommy and daddy (who was back for R&R from Iraq) went to the Real Life Church Membership Class! We had lasagna for dinner and then watched "The Incredibles!" Hayden and Lilu were enamored and watched very intently! They spent the rest of the evening jabbering, playing, learning about sharing, and jabbering some more. WHAT A FUN TIME WE HAD! It's so exciting for Hayden to have another little person to play with!
"Where do you go to church?" Wednesday
As we enjoyed this beautiful mid-week evening, a knock on the door brought hopes that it wasn't someone else selling something. Nope. It was some guys from a church in town - asking us if we had a church home. Now, this is a great witnessing tool and a very brave way to enlighten people about your church, I'll give them that. But after you tell them you're a Pastor at ANOTHER church in THE SAME TOWN and they still try to convince you to come to their church, something is wrong!
Thirty dollar electrical stuff Thursday
We're in the process of getting central air and replacing our gazillion-year-old heater. Before we can do any of that, though, we had to have an electrician come and look at some funny wires in the breaker box. It turned out that the breaker box was being "over used" and some things needed to be replaced ... not some ... 5 breakers for $30 each. We were poor ... now we're really poor, but, at least now we're not living in a giant fire-hazard - that's worth the money, I'd say! :)
Free Paper Friday!
The Eaves family belongs to our church, and are just one of the greatest families you'd ever meet. A father who is bravely and selflessly serving our nation in Kosovo ... a mom who would do anything for her children, and anyone else in the world, such a servant's heart ... and three boys who are so much fun! The boys have a paper route and happen to deliver in our neighborhood, so they came by Friday to pick up a copy of last week's sermon on cd ... and they had an extra paper! Yeah!
David left Friday evening for the church softball tournament in Hutchinson ... so Hayden and I braved the evening alone! We went to the mall, had dinner, read some books, and then went to bed. Haydie kept looking in the rooms and saying "Where's Daddy?" ... I laughed when this song came into my head because we were really bored without him and missed him a lot!
"One is the lonliest number that you'll ever do. Two can be as bad as one, it's the lonliest number since the number one."
It wasn't all boring, though ...I was addressing the invitations for Hayden's family Birthday party ... and he took the liberty of decorating himself instead of the envelopes ... haha! He's been obsessed with his tummy and belly-button lately, so where better to put them?
See Papa and Grandma Saturday
Saturday Papa and Grandma Kerby came to visit! Not only did they visit - but they brought Hayden and I to Topeka so I could go shopping at the school supplies store, then to lunch and to the mall. Hayden and Papa went to the furniture section at the Jones Store to relax while mom and I did some crazy shopping! :) We had a great time and got home just in time to meet David, who was home early because the softball game was rained out.
It's so great to keep up with you guys! Hayden is adorable. Love the stars on his belly!
Kelsi: Welcome back my friend!
Julie: Yeah...he'll probably get star tattoo's when he's 3 or so. It's been fun reading up on you two! Keep it up.
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